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4 travelers
5.0Best Owner
Starting at
3 secure placesSeats with seat belts
2 sleeping spacesComfortable sleeping area for 2 persons
Licence BYour car license is sufficient to drive this vehicle weighing less than 3500 kg
Verified documentThe vehicle registration document is certified by us as being in order
Unauthorised foreign travelThe owner does not authorise his vehicle to leave the country
Pets welcome on boardYour pets can be part of the trip!
Our team is always at your service
More convenience with our payment facilities
Our team offers you alternatives in case of last-minute problems
The owner has not provided a description for this vehicle
Refund terms vary depending on the date of cancellation of the booking.
The exact address will be communicated to you when the booking is confirmed.
Hola! Somos dos amigos aventureros. Queremos que disfrutes de nuestro rincón especial y que descubras mil rincones mágicos en Cataluña y España. ¡Vive la Vanlife al 100%! En nuestra casita con ruedas son bienvenidas las mascotas, siempre y cuando cuiden del espacio al igual que las personas. En nuestra van, la aventura está asegurada! ¡Si tenéis cualquier duda podéis preguntarnos!
From €100/day